Thursday, October 26, 2017

THE PRAIRIE EDITOR: Recent Op Eds Update

There have been new and continuing developments in the
stories from recent Prairie Editor op eds, so I have updated
these pieces below:

Having pointed out the recent election of some very young
leaders of world democracies, the election of Jacinda
Ardern, 37, as the prime minister of New Zealand has just
taken place. She is the third woman to lead the nation, and
currently the world’s youngest elected woman leader.
Although she is more liberal than most of the other young
global figures, she is a firm opponent of more immigration
to the Pacific island nation.

With election day 2017 imminent, the outcome of the close
gubernatorial race in Virginia has become even more unclear.
A new poll has Ed Gillespie, the Republican nominee, eight
points ahead of Democrat Lt. Governor Ralph Northam. The
poll shows a very large number of undecided voters, and
some observers believe it might be an outlier, but other polls
show the race to b a virtual tie. Northam had been leading in
the polls by 5-14 points most of the summer and early autumn,
but Gillespie has campaigned aggressively, and in the 2014
U.S. senate race proved all the pre-election polls to be way off.
This race is considered a must-win for the Democrats going
into the 2018 national midterm elections.

Democrats have alleged that the Trump campaign colluded
with the Russians in the 2016 presidential campaign, but a
blockbuster revelation from the liberal Washington Post’s
investigation makes clear that the so-called “Russian dossier”
of information used in the campaign was, in reality, ordered
by and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the
Democratic National Committee. This Trump collusion
allegation had been a major rationale by the Democrats to
portray the Trump upset victory as illegitimate. The
president has heatedly denied all these charges. The Post
revelations support Mr. Trump and cast a further rebuke
to the Clinton campaign which predictably has denied any
knowledge of their own involvement However, since the
Post was a constant supporter of Mrs. Clinton and a major
purveyor of the Trump collusion allegations previously,
their new investigative story seems especially devastating,
and one more bit of strong evidence that the Democratic
strategy to cast doubt on the new president is failing badly,
especially with independent and previously uncommitted

Copyright (c) 2017 by Barry Casselman. All rights reserved.

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